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Olivia rodrigo from sour prom!

Recencly, Olivia Rodrigo, rised all the musical world, when she published and anounced her new video, SOUR prom!

The video, was so succesfull, with more than 4 million streams on Youtube, and billion views around the world. People, got so exited, when they hered the notice, it was so succesful for Olivia's fans, to hear this notice...

Once the video got published, Olivia reacher 6 million followers on Youtube, and 14 million followers on Instagram, she's the new singer, the new musical influencer, and one of the most famous female singers around the world!

Can you imagine her with 100 million followers? write below!

Here I leave you the SOUR prom video, for you to watch... :)

Se you in next notice, and bye bye!

Olivia Rodrigo BLOG

Stay livie's 🦋🦋

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